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Analysis of Obituaries
Tuesday, September 24
Analysis of Obituaries  (Workshop)
1:00 pm
Zoom at home on your computer


Presented by:  Jeri Steele


Analysis of ObituariesOften genealogists only look up an obituary occasionally. Jeri will show how deep analysis of people, places, and timelines in obituaries can yield some surprising results. 

Jeri J. Steele has been actively working on her genealogy for over 40 years. She is a professional genealogist but doesn't currently take clients. Jeri is a Director At Large for the Kentucky Genealogical Society and a Past President of the Dallas Genealogical Society. She has spoken at numerous societies and national conferences on Genealogy and Technology. Her day job is Manager of Business and Quality Analysts for the Department of Aging and Disability for the State of Tennessee.  Jeri also edits the videos for the Louisville Genealogical Society.


(Click on the link below to register for the Zoom Workshop)

Register Here

Genealogy through Photography: Exploring Family Photographs
Tuesday, October 8
Genealogy through Photography: Exploring Family Photographs  (Program)
1:00 pm
In-Person 1000 S. Hurstbourne Pkwy Louisville KY
Presented by:  Heather Potter
The Filson Historical Society located in Old Louisville has over 75,000 photographic items within
its collection.  A large portion is comprised of local Louisville and Southern Indiana family  photographs. While you may be familiar with the Filson’s library resources, many forget aboutour  visual resources. Filson’s Curator of Photographs & Prints, Heather J. Potter, will give an overview of the Filson’ Photographic Collections, a tutorial on how to search the collection, how to identify 19th century photographic formats, and some tips on how to preserve your
own family photographs.
Heather Potter, MLS
Heather Potter is the Curator Manuscripts at the Filson Historical Society; prior she was a Project Archivist at the Kentucky Historical Society for the Kentucky Folklife Archives and the former Curator of Photographs and Prints at the Filson Historical Society. Heather received her BA in History from Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, and an MLS with an emphasis in Archives from Indiana University – Bloomington.  Heather has worked over a decade at the Filson, focusing on collecting, preserving, and providing access to the Filson’s visual materials collection and recently transitioned into overseeing the manuscript collection.  In addition, she is an advocate for the preservation of family photograph and paper collections. She specializes in 19th century photography and caring for family photographs and papers. Her research interests include Mammoth Cave, World War I, and Genealogy & Family History.

LGS Family History Fall Seminar
Saturday, October 19
LGS Family History Fall Seminar  (Training)
9:30 am to 12:45 pm
Zoom Presentation at home on your computer.
Incorporating Social History
Into Your Research
Medical Genealogy
Members $30.00 – Non-Members $40.00

Half Day ONLINE Seminar 9:30 AM – 12:45- PM EDT

Seminar Lectures
Deadline: October 15th (No late registrations)
Family history should be more than just names and dates.
What motivated them?
Why did they migrate?
Who did they interact with?
Broad discussion of social history and the sources.
Some researchers hunt for the death certificates of their ancestors but
rarely read or understand the cause of death.
Dr. Michael D. Lacopo is a retired small-animal veterinarian born and raised in northern Indiana.
He takes a scientific approach to his research as he does to his profession. Researching
since 1980, he has lectured internationally and written for numerous periodicals
and journals. A self-described “all-American Mutt”, his research skills cover a broad range.

Using Archives to Fill the Gaps in Your Ancestor's Timeline
Tuesday, October 22
Using Archives to Fill the Gaps in Your Ancestor's Timeline  (Workshop)
1:00 pm
Zoom At Your Home on Your Computer


Presented by Melissa Barker


 Using Archives to Fill the Gaps in Your Ancestor’s Timeline

Do you have gaps of missing information in your ancestor’s timeline? Using archives and the records they hold can fill in those gaps. Learn about unique records that are found in archives that will help to tell your ancestor’s story and add information to your ancestor’s timeline.


Melissa Barker is a Certified Archives Manager and Public Historian currently working at the Houston County, Tennessee Archives. She is affectionally known as The Archive Lady to the genealogy community. She lectures, teaches and writes about the genealogy research process, researching in archives and records preservation. She conducts virtual presentations across the United States and other countries for any historical or genealogical group. She writes a popular blog entitled A Genealogist in the Archives and is a well-known published book reviewer. She writes history pieces for her local newspaper, The Houston County Herald, called From the Archives. She has been a Professional Genealogist for the past 19 years with expertise in Tennessee records and she is currently taking research clients. She has been researching her own family history for the past 30 years. Facebook Page:


Register Here


5th Tuesday Trip- Louisville Metro Archives
Tuesday, October 29
5th Tuesday Trip- Louisville Metro Archives  (Research Trip)
11:00 am
635 Industry Rd Louisville, KY

11:00 am tour - David Morgan, Director

635 Industry Rd. Louisville, Kentucky 40208


List of Reference Materials


Join us at 11:00 am at the Louisville Metro Archives or meet at the LDS Church at 10:15 at 1000 S. Hurstbourne Pkwy and Linn Station Rd to carpool.


You are welcome to stay after the tour to research.